JRC is recruiting - Several jobs available at different sites

On 30 September, the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)published the new JRC competitions for researchers in eight areas:

  1. Chemistry, Biology and Health Sciences
  2. Physics
  3. Sructural Mechanics
  4. Quantitative Policy Analysis
  5. Spatial Sciences
  6. Environmental Sciences
  7. Energy Sciences
  8. Communication/Information Technology

For the upcoming competitions, EPSO has now in place a selection procedure where the JRC will choose the best candidates by means of a CV sift before they are invited to an Assessment Centre in Brussels.

Registration will be open from 30 September until 4 November.

For more information on the JRC competitions:

Registration: www.eu-careers.eu

JRC website: www.jrc.ec.europa.eu/competitions

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/EU-Careers/298387676087

Twitter: http://twitter.com/EU_Careers