Deliverables - Public Access p1


Milestones and deliverables are common tools which project partners, coordinators and The Commission use to monitor the progress of the project.

The deliverables for NitroEurope IP come in different forms like report, protocol, demonstrator and can be disseminated internally to the project partners or both internally and to the public.


Links to the 'open access deliverables' of specific components

C1, C2 C3, C4 C5 C6, C7, C8, C9, C10


The table below consists of a list of deliverables for the NitroEurope IP which can be accessed by everyone, as their dissemination level is public.

D/M No. Deliverable/Milestone Date due Nature Dissemination Level Status
WP1.1 Advanced N Flux measurement methods
D1.1.8 12 months of organic N wet deposition at Level 1 sites submitted to the NEU database


Demonstrator  Public Completed
D1.1.9 Data of Speuld campaig delivered to the database  Mar-10  Demonstrator   Public  Completed
D1.1.10 Final improved model for NO-NO2-O3 and NH3-HNO3-NH4N03 flux corrections & publications   Jan-11 Other   Public  Completed
D1.1.11 All relevant advanced measurement data in NitroEurope database   Jan-11 Demonstrator  Public  Completed
D1.1.12 Paper on advection errors in various situations   Jan-11  Other Public   Completed
D1.1.13 Several manuscripts on Speuld Campaign measurements for submission to 2011 NitroEurope Special Issue   Jan-11  Other Public   Completed
WP1.3 NEU Advanced Network: Fluxes, pools & budgets
D1.3.1 The first operational state-of-the art continuous European measurement network for Nr and GHG fluxes and N-C pools Aug-06 Report Public Completed
D1.3.3 Initial analysis of Nr budgets and NGE in relation to detailed measurements of soil and plant N-C pools and processes Jul-07 Report Public Completed
D1.3.10a Dissemination of Level 3 site data by presentations at meetings and peer reviewed publications (months 37-60)

Feb-09 to


Other Public Completed
WP1.4 Plant & soil pools, processes & interactions
D1.4.8 Environmental dependencies of litter N concentration May-09 Demonstrator Public Completed
D1.4.9 Dataset on the relative contribution of microbial processes to losses of N2O from the soil May-09 Demonstrator Public Completed
D1.4.10 The dataset on microbial biomass, microbial community composition and N-mineralisation Nov-09 Demonstrator Public Completed
D1.4.11 Effects of landuse, soil moisture and temperature on potential GHG emissions Dec-09 Demonstrator Public Completed
D1.4.12 PhD thesis on the 'Origin of N20 and its Oxygen' Sep-10 Report Public Completed
WP1.5 Inferential N fluxes & C interactions
D1.5.3 Initial analysis of GHG fluxes in relation to N inputs Jul-08 Report Public Completed
D1.5.5 Further analysis of GHG fluxes in relation to N inputs Feb-10 Demonstrator Public Completed
D1.5.6 Report on 5th Laboratory DELTA inter-comparison Jan-11 Report Public Completed
D1.5.7 Report on simple bioassays from NEU sites in Eastern and Central Europe Feb-10 Report Public Completed
D1.5.8 Changes in animal excretion rates and biological fixation rates in the period 1970-2000 Apr-11 Report Public Completed
D1.5.9 Draft protocols on crop rotations and timelines for farm management practices for use in detailed ecosystem models Apr-11 Report Public Completed
D1.5.10 Report on 5th Laboratory DELTA inter-comparison Jan-11 Report Public Completed
D1.5.11 N deposition estimates from 2 years data with SVAT modelling. Paper on model and N deposition from first 2 years concentration data Sep-10 Report Public Completed
D1.5.12 Analysis of GHG fluxes in relation to N inputs Sep-10 Report Public Completed
WP2.1 Forest change (inc. afforestation)
D2.1.8 Model workshop for application of DNDC to all core forest sites Nov-09 Other Public Completed
D2.1.9 Synthesis of results from forest sites May-10 Report Public Completed
WP2.2 Arable change, incl. drainage and abandonment
D2.2.4 Response functions for key processess to maintain drivers in arable ecosystems identified and provided to C3 Aug-10 Other Public Completed
D2.2.5 Mathematical model applied to all core arable sites Nov-10 Other


D2.2.7 2nd year (2 years in all) of data from measurements of C, N and GHG conducted from the associated agricultural sites of Beano Jul-09 Other Public Completed
D2.2.8 Model workshop for application of DNDC to all core shrubland/wetland sites Aug-10 Other Public Completed
D2.2.9 Synthesis of results from grassland sites May-10 Report Public Completed
WP2.3 Shrubland change (& natural wetlands)
D2.3.3 Provision of field measurement results to WP2.5, C3, C7 Jul-07 Other (Data uploaded to the database) Public Completed
D2.3.8 Model workshop for application of DNDC to all core shrubland/wetland sites Aug-10 Other Public Completed
D2.3.9 Synthesis of result from shrubland/wetland sites Sep-10 Other Public Completed
WP2.4 Grassland change (inc. grazing interactions)
D2.4.4 Response functions for key processes to main driversin grassland ecosystsms identified and provided to C3 Aug-10 Other Public Completed
D2.4.5 Mathematical models applied to all core grassland sites Nov-10 Other Public Completed
D2.4.7 1 year of data from measurements of C, N and GHG conducted from all associated shrubland/wetland sites and 2 years from all core shrubland/wetland sites Feb-09 Other Public Completed
D2.4.8 Model workshop for application of DNDC to all core grassland sites Jul-10 Other Public Completed
D2.4.9 Synthesis of result from grassland sites Sep-10 Report Public Completed
WP2.5 Manipulation synthesis
D2.5.1 Kick off workshop Feb-06 Report Public Completed
D2.5.8 Application of the DNDC model to all core sites Nov-10 Other Public Completed
D2.5.9 Synthesis of results across ecosystem types, climates and sites Apr-11 Report Public Completed