FINAL CALL TO SUBMIT ABSTRACTS to FoSW Symposium’'Ecosystem Services in Soil and Water Research' 7-10 June in Uppsala!
This is the final call to submit abstracts to one or more of the sessions:
1. Ecosystem services in general
2. Ecosystems and economy = Ecosystem services
3. Supporting systems
4. Regulating systems
5. Threats to and protection of soils
6. Threats to and protection of water
The deadline for submission is 10 February. Instructions for abstracts are given below as well as some answers to FAQ.
Please feel very much invited to send in an abstract and to participate in the SLU symposium 'Ecosystem Services in Soil and Water Research' 7-10 June in Uppsala! This symposium offers a great possibility to connect basic and/or applied research in the benefits of humankind, a chance to communicate the importance of our research and ways how policy makers could make use of the research!