The following Terms of Reference describe the way International Associated Partners (IAPs) will collaborate with the NitroEurope IP.
- IAPs are associated to one specific component (if interested in different activities or components, the same procedure has to be conducted and approved by the respective Component leaders).
- IAPs are associated directly to one of the Steering or Core partners, who act as the Contact Partner. IAPs are institutions or organisations, not individuals, but will have named a lead scientist/contact person.
- The IAP does NOT need to sign the NEU Consortium Agreement (they are not a party to the contract). Arising from this (and in accordance with the CA) the IAP has no direct data access rights. These access rights are executed by the Contact Partner - effectively sharing their access rights with the IAP - with the Contact Partner taking full responsibility for compliance of the IAP with the NEU Data Policy and good practise for data usage. Effectively, any breach of anything by the IAP, would treated as if the Contact Partner was in breach of the CA/Data Policy.
- Component Leaders may submit a list of IAPs for the component for approval by the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) in the course of regular SSC meetings.
- The approval of IAPs by the SSC will be based on criteria including, but not limited to, an assessment that the work must be of international standard and present relevant input to NEU. Also scientists from IAPs would be encouraged to attend NEU General Assembly and will be included in the main email circulation list. In return, the IAP gets involved in the NEU projects discussions and communications and its profile is increased.
- The output of IAPs, which is relevant to NEU, will be listed as a part of the overall Dissemination and international networking/capacity building activities of NEU. IAPs are kindly requested to refer to publications and datasets arising from NEU accordingly.
Upon approval of the SSC, IAPs will be listed on the NEU IP website.