Deliverables - Public Access p3

D/M no Milestone/Deliverable Date due Nature Dissemination level Status
WP5.1 GIS-assembly of input data
D5.1.1 Report on consistent & comprehensive database requirements Jul-06 Report Public Completed
D5.1.4 First preliminary data base with relevant farm management information Jul-07 Other Public Completed
WP5.2 Deriving past, present & future scenarios
D5.2.5 Description of future scenarios and policy options to explore their impacts on N and GHG reductions (described in one report together with D5.2.3 and D5.3.6). Part of a report of the INTEGRATOR prototype Sep-08 Report Public Completed
D5.2.6 Final high resolution (1 km x 1 km) land-use reconstructions in EU 27 + 3 between 1960 and 2000 based on calibrated and validated IMAGE-CLUE approach) and a preliminary prediction for a standard scenario for the period 2000-2030 Jul-09 Report Public Completed
WP5.3 Development of integrated multi-component model
D5.3.3 A first prototype version of the integrated European multi-component model INTEGRATOR including modules based on simple empirical equations and simple process based model formulations Jul-07 Demonstrator Public Completed
D5.3.6 A report of the INTEGRATOR prototype (includes a demonstration version of all aspects described in the report) Sep-10 Report Public Completed
D5.3.7 A paper on empirical N2O exchange model from agriculture using daily resolution data: developed and build in INTEGRATOR Jan-09 Report Public Completed
D5.3.8 A paper on the N leaching model to ground water and surface waters, including the re-emission of N2O to the atmosphere: developed and build in INTEGRATOR. Mar-09 Report Public Completed
WP5.4 Application of European Ecosystem Models
D5.4.1 Papers (partly drafts) on the European wide application of detailed ecosystem models predicting present and future European Nr and GHG soil budgets using variable geograpical schematizations for Europe Jul-08 Report Public Completed
D5.4.2 Fully operational ecosystem models linked with all relevant databases and scenario input data. Sep-08 Demonstrator Public Completed
D5.4.3 European wide application of detailed ecosystem models predicting present and future European Nr and GHG soil budgets in response to a standard A1 and B2 scenario as defined in a common protocol. Jul-09 Report Public Completed
D5.4.4 Mitigation study - European wide application of detailed ecosystem models predicting soil emissions of N and GHG in response to selected measures (mitigation options) as defined in common protocol plus publications Jan-11 Other Public Completed
WP5.5 Application of Multi-component Model
D5.5.1 A fully operational prototype of the multi-sector assessment tool linked with all relevant databases and preliminary scenario input data. Jul-08 Demonstrator Public Completed
D5.5.2. A draft paper/report on the uncertainties in INTEGRATOR results of the present (2000) soil and total emissions of N and GHG and of C and N sequestration for Europe and error propagation due to uncertain input parameters (see WP 6.3) Jul-10 Report Public Completed
D5.5.3 A draft paper/report on the uncertainties in INTEGRATOR results of the present (2000) soil and total emissions of N and GHG and of C and N sequestration for Europe and error propagation due to uncertain input parameters (see WP 6.3) Jan-11 Other Public Completed
D5.5.4 Uncertainty study: Paper on the uncertainties in INTEGRATOR results of the present (2000) soil and total emissions of N and GHG and of C and N sequestration for Europe due to uncertain input parameters (see WP 6.3) Jan-11 Other Public Completed
D5.3.10 A demonstration version of the final INTEGRATOR model Jul-10 Demonstrator Public Completed