Enzymology and ecology of the nitrogen cycle

Each September PhD students and young scientists from across Europe gather to present their data at the annual European Nitrogen Cycle meeting. In 2010 and with the support of the Biochemical Society the 15th meeting in the series will also include a number of contributions from invited speakers.

Every young participant attending the meeting is encouraged to present their work, preferably orally but at least as a poster. The meeting will be held in Lucas House, Birmingham University, and will be fully residential. Scientific sessions will begin on the afternoon of 15 September with a Plenary Lecture, and will be followed by twenty short presentations by PhD students and post-doctoral research fellows interspersed with eight slightly longer lectures from internationally recognized senior scientists.

The scope of the meeting will span from ecology to microbial physiology, biochemistry, molecular genetics and gene regulation. It will cover all aspects of the Biological Nitrogen Cycle: nitrification; denitrification; respiratory reduction of nitrate to ammonia; annamox; the generation and removal of reactive nitrogen species; and the effects on climate of the Greenhouse gases nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and especially nitrous oxide.

For more details please go to: https://www.biochemistry.org/ Any queries please contact: elizabeth.faircliffe@biochemistry.org Sponsorship and trade-ex opportunities offered.

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