23rd congress of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists - Agriculture and the Kyoto targets, Copenhagen/DK

The 23rd congress of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF) will take place in Copenhagen on 26 to 29 June 2007.

As part of the congress, we have organised a theme on "Agriculture and the Kyoto targets", for which I would cordially invite you to submit an abstract for. The congress topic on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture will have particular emphasis on ways of quantifying and reducing these emissions and thus contributing to fulfilling the commitments of the Kyoto Protocol. Greenhouse gases (methane, nitrous oxide and CO2) originate from many different sources in agriculture, and many methods for reducing emissions have been suggested. However, few mitigation options have yet been successfully implemented.

The session aims at encouraging interactions between research, technology development and policy making. Key issues:

  • Sources of greenhouse gases from agriculture and their quantification
  • Reducing greenhouse gases through farm management
  • Greenhouse gas reduction through biomass and energy crops
  • Technological solutions and their implementation
  • Cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures and their barriers for implementation
  • Including mitigation measures in national inventories

Keynote speakers:

  • Annette Freibauer, Jena University, Germany
  • Sven G. Sommer, Aarhus University, Denmark

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 March 2007. However, if this is a problem for you, then please contact the organising committee.

More information on the congress and on the guidelines for submission of abstracts is available at the congress website.

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