'Women in science' book and audio book now available

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research has published a book about 'Women in science'. Available online a

Nitrogen deposition limits climate change impacts on carbon sequestration

ScienceDaily (Oct. 8, 2009) - Forests are important in reducing the green house gas carbon dioxide (CO2). For the period 2000-2007, it has been estimated that from the 8.9 billion ton of carbon released by human activities, approximately 46% is found back in the atmosphere. The removed 54% is due to an estimated equal amount absorbed in oceans and taken up by forests and other natural vegetations.

Just go for it! - Gender Action Workshop at the 5th GA in Solothurn, Monday, 1st of February 2010

Just go for it!

This half-day workshop for women in science is led by experienced facilitator Ursula Lengauer. It will encourage you to take on career challenges, become resilient to failure, enter the stage and finally enjoy your success.

ESF-NinE Travel Grants

As we receive requests for information on potential funding of conference participation of colleagues within and outside of NitroEurope, here is a direct link to e.g. the ESF-NinE programme where short- and longer-term travel grants for visits can be applied for.

NitroEurope Special Issue of Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (AGEE) now online

A special issue guest-edited by Stefan Reis, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl and Mark Sutton for AGEE is currently in press and will be
published in Oct 2009. If you have access to Elsevier's Science Direct, you can see the electronic version here.

Nature Geoscience Anniversary - Ammonia article highlight of the October issue

January 2009 marks the first anniversary of the launch of Nature Geoscience. To celebrate, we have put together our favourites from the first 12 issues. The selection, which is free for the months of January to March, reflects the breadth of topics covered by Nature Geoscience, and the diversity of article styles.

New book: Atmospheric Ammonia - Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts

This book has emerged from an UNECE Expert Workshop in Edinburgh in December 2006 and compiles the state-of-the-art of scientific understanding on emissions, transport and deposition and effects of atmospheric ammonia.

More information can be found here: http://www.springer.com/environment/air/book/978-1-4020-9120-9

European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna

"Denitrification in soils under field conditions - advances in quantification, controlling factors and process-based modelling"(SSS41)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Opening Nitrogen Science to the People

As many of you know, a science communication workshop, organised through the NitroEurope Young Scientists´ Forum and funded by the European Science Foundation and NitroEurope, was held in Madrid in October.

Workshop on Comparison of static chambers to measure N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from soils in Copenhagen

Workshop on Comparison of static chambers to measure N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from soils in Copenhagen 15th - 17th December 2008.


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